Throughout the years, you’re going to give a lot of gifts away. Just because you’re purchasing items for someone else doesn’t mean that you need to deviate from your values to do so. You can give green gifts that delight the recipient and have minimal impact on the environment. You just need to know what to look for when shopping for family and friends.

Here are a few things you’ll want to think about when giving gifts in the future:

1.    Choose items with little packaging. Less mess means less trash to throw away.

2.    Select gifts that are made with recyclable materials or can be recycled. You have options that don’t hurt the planet.

3.    Buy from companies that are environmentally conscious. Find out what a company stands for and how its products are manufactured before committing to buy it.

Your short and easy green gift giving guide aims to educate you on the importance of conscientious consumerism. By seeing how your purchases relate to the betterment or destruction of the planet, you’re able to change habits quickly. You’re well-informed and knowledgeable about the companies that you plan to buy from and the products that you choose to give as gifts. More importantly, you’re able to share this information with others who also benefit from giving green gifts to family and friends.

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