Every single decision you make from the model of car you drive to the way you wash your hair impacts the planet in some way. Rather than go blindly through life not realizing how much your habits have a toll on Mother Earth, why not start by challenging yourself to change? There are many things you can do to become a more conscientious and caring consumer.

In fact, once you’ve seen how much the world’s population has shifted their mindset when it comes to consumption, you’ll see how easy it is to make changes in your daily life. You’ll find products that work better and create less waste than the things you used before. You’ll meet like-minded people who share the same vision for the planet’s future.

Simple Changes That Will Make Your Home and the World a Better Place to Live

Here are some of the ways to be more conscientious about your spending habits which leads to you being a better informed and more caring consumer:

  • Understand the need for you to change. Research everything you can about the environment, pollution, climate change, and overpopulation. Learn to discern fact from fiction. Gather the evidence that you need to fully convince yourself to do whatever it takes to change your consumption habits. Knowing your why is an important step in your journey. It provides you with the motivation needed to carry on even when things feel difficult to do. You’ll understand the weight of your actions and how positive of an impact you can make as an individual.

  • Get your family and friends onboard.  Things feel easier when you have the support of your loved ones. You’re able make changes relatively easily when you know someone else is doing the same in their own life. If you’re a parent of young children, you can introduce the ideas that you have and make a game out of them. Kids are very impressionable, and likely the best reason for making changes. After all, the planet that you’re living on now is the one they’ll inherit in the future.

  • Start by changing one thing before moving on to another. It can be overwhelming to focus on too many things at once. Instead of sabotaging yourself right out of the gate, find one area of your life to focus on. Perhaps, you buy carbon credits to offset the flights you take each year for vacation. Or, you start carrying a refillable water bottle with you opposed to buying bottled water at a local convenience store. Choose one habit of consumption that you’re accustomed to, and make the changes needed to eliminate waste and reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Buy from companies that support your vision and values. Who you spend your money on is just as important as what you spend your money on. If the companies that you buy from are transparent with their sourcing and manufacturing processes, you’re on to something special. You now have a resource that you can tap into whenever you need a reusable product or sustainable service. Buying from companies that align with your values ensures that you’re taking every step necessary to reduce, reuse, and recycle accordingly. If you’re not sure how a company stands on environmental issues, feel free to write them an email or letter. Most will be more than happy to explain their processes to you especially since you’re considering being a valued customer of theirs.

  • Share your unique gifts with the world. If you have a talent, find new ways to make it serve you and your community. For instance, if you sew, you can make your own reusable cloth products from baby bibs to kitchen sponges. You never know if this venture will turn into a paying one for you, either. Many eco-friendly businesses started at home with small production runs. You could sell at your local farmer’s market or even find another shop that will take your products on as consignments. Either way, you’ve used your skills to do something remarkable for your household, city, and even the globe.

  • Use social media to spark a movement. When you’re passionate about saving the planet, you’ll want to tell everyone you know about the efforts you’ve taken to change your life. That’s where social media comes in. You’ll have a global reach and inspire people you never even knew existed. It's not just your family and friends that you’ll connect with. You’ll have fans from around the planet who want to do their part to clean up their communities and start green initiatives in the companies they own or work in.

There are many ways to make a difference. This list serves as a small sampling of the endless possibilities that await you. If you’re in need of further inspiration, go to the library and check out some books on self-sufficiency and sustainability. 

You’ll also find a wealth of knowledge online. Watch videos, read blog posts, and join support groups virtually. You’ll find people who are just as green as you are in your journey to becoming a more conscientious and caring consumer.

Be the Change You Wish to See in the World with Green’s Your Colour’s Help

Slight shifts in your perception and habits makes a world of difference for the planet and its inhabitants. Do your part to hold yourself accountable for the waste you create and the environmental damage that occurs as a result of it. By swapping out habits that no longer serve you, you’re able to make real change occur. It’s a remarkable feeling when you do because you realize just how big of an impact your lifestyle has on the condition of the planet.

Change the things you have the greatest control over such as how you drink your water. By simply making the switch to a refillable water bottle, you eliminate an abundance of plastic and paper waste that you produce as a consumer. A Green’s Your Colour Triple Insulated Bottle is ideal because it allows you to enjoy hot and cold beverages for hours at a time.

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